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“We’re very excited about making this wonderful cultural resource accessible to the public, and grateful to Goettler Associates for helping us get off to such a strong start.”
- Mary F. Rounsavall, President, Yew Dell GardensIf I had a life to live over, I think I would want to do what you folks do with others. I remember with great fondness your effective guidance with the KSU-A campaign. Great fun!
- Glen Warner, Campaign Chair, Kent State University Ashtabula
Category Archives for Strategic Leadership |
Do we need a strategic plan to raise more money?
Focus higher-level thinking on strategy development When was the last time a donor asked to see your strategic plan? Maybe a foundation grant application included a question about whether the organization has a plan, but honestly has anyone else asked? So why do we invest our organizational resources in these elaborate strategic planning processes? Let’s […]
Consider strategy before setting goals
Your Planning Process Matters It seems there is a new book or formula for better organizational planning and strategy published every few weeks. Most people have to be reminded about what all the terms mean, and the differences between mission, vision, and values statements. It can get overwhelming. And, what about the process itself? What […]
On Second Thought: Why Hire a Consultant?
The fundraising profession has grown tremendously since its inception. Today, most organizations employ experienced and capable fundraisers on staff. Increasingly administration executives and governing boards may wonder why they would need to hire a consultant at all — isn’t that the role of the executive director and the chief development officer? When an organization is […]
Vision, Mission & Strategy: The Why, What & How of Planning
When starting a new planning process, focus on the why, what and how of planning: Vision:• Our Aspiration / The Why A vision statement should present the optimal future state, an ideal future even if it may never be achieved; a statement of where the organization is headed and what values are guiding that journey. […]
Strategic Planning and Fundraising
Donor Involvement Whenever a major fundraising effort is contemplated, at least one volunteer can be counted on to ask, “Why can’t we just skip the planning part? We know what we need to do: get out there and raise the money!” It’s a fair question. What does the strategic leadership process – or any planning […]
Will Strategic Leadership Help Your Organization?
The strategic leadership process is a disciplined approach to getting organizations to focus on results, and it is more than strategic planning. The process helps leaders define and successfully implement their goals. It can be beneficial to almost any organization, public or private, that seeks to improve its service to society. The process has proven […]
How Effective is Your Planning?
A simple self-evaluation To assess the effectiveness of your last planning endeavor, ask yourself and your colleagues if the effort generated the desired results and impact on your organization. Use the following checklist to assess your performance. Are all of your board members, staff, and key volunteers able to articulate the organization’s mission and goals? […]
What Ever Happened to Our Strategic Plan?
Organizational Success What is the relationship between your organization’s fundraising objectives and its long-term vision for the future, and its strategic plan? Most fundraising professionals will concur that your campaign objectives should be tied to a higher vision developed through long-term planning. In our experience, however, we have witnessed a much different reality: We have […]