Category Archives for Marketplace Perspective

On Second Thought: Is Development Too Good for Marketing?

When we try to explain the marketplace perspective and its application to fundraising, we’re sometimes challenged by those who believe that the high-minded pursuit of philanthropy should not be contaminated by the crass business of marketing.  Is development too good for marketing? From this point of view, marketing is little more than a euphemism for […]

Positioning Your Campaign for Success

Recently, we hear more and more funders hoping that local nonprofit organizations will collaborate with each other more often and more substantially. In some situations collaboration between two independent groups makes sense for the good of the community, but not always for the nonprofit organizations. Whatever one’s perspective is on the issue of collaboration, it […]

Five Essential Campaign Marketing Principles

Are you working to position your fundraising campaign for success?  If so, make sure that you are employing the five essential campaign marketing principles: 1. Design for people. Today’s winning campaigns are successful because of the people involved — the campaign leadership, volunteers, and donors. Any marketing materials used in your campaign should be designed […]

Marketing to Attract Donor Investment

Too many nonprofit organizations operate on the assumption that the greater their need — and the more they talk about it or “sell it” — the stronger their fundraising appeal will be and the more money they will raise. We must realize that simply being “for the social good” is no longer good enough. Today, […]

The Donor-Centered Marketing & Fund Raising Process:

When you follow this seven step process, you will be adopting the donor-centered marketing and fundraising process, and well on your way to improved results. 1. Listen to your constituency.  (Research) Go outside the institution and ask people what they think of it, and what they want from it.   2. Define and segment your […]

Targeted Fundraising Improves Marketing

Research and Segmentation Many people are confused about marketing versus fund-raising. They’re not actually the same thing. Marketing can best be described in the for-profit world as getting the product to market, whereas the fund-raising function of your nonprofit involves receiving a donation. It is undeniable that there are areas where nonprofit marketing and your organization’s […]

Use Pronouns to Maintain Marketplace Perspective

Whose “needs” are important? When trying to explain the marketplace perspective and its application to fund-raising, we’re sometimes challenged by those who believe that the high-minded pursuit of philanthropy should not be mixed with the “crass” business of marketing. For some, marketing is little more than a euphemism for selling, and its practice threatens to […]

The Human Race Theatre Company Announces 25th Anniversary Campaign

Goal Getter The Human Race Theatre Company, Dayton’s only professional theatre company, recently kickedoff the public phase of a capital and endowment campaign in celebration of its twenty-fifth anniversary. The 25th Anniversary Campaign for the Development of New Works was initiated in May 2011 and has already raised nearly $1.2 million toward a goal of $1.5 million. […]