Category Archives for FRM Issue 54

New Uses of IRS Form 990: To Improve Board Involvement

Strengthening Your Governing Board Larger nonprofit organizations have now navigated the second year of preparing the expanded IRS Form 990. Next year will be the last of a three year phase-in of the new form, and will subject even more nonprofit organizations to the heightened reporting requirements. Organizations with just $200,000 of gross annual receipts […]

Advancement: A Team Effort for Continuous Improvement

Strategic Advancement Through the process of strategic advancement, the development function can be empowered – helping to shape, guide, and drive the destiny of the organization, as it was meant to do and has the potential to do. At a recent Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) luncheon, the speaker from a respected Community Foundation offered […]

New Requirements for Charitable Hospitals

Federal Health Care Legislation (HR 3590 Sec. 9007) The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has far reaching implications for our nation’s broad network of nonprofit health care providers. Effectively section 501 of the internal revenue code has been re-written with regard to nonprofit hospitals: “A hospital organization shall no longer be treated as tax-exempt, unless […]

Our SMART-Focus Fund-Raising Analysis Report Card

Strengths + Objectivity = Success The response to our SMART-Focus Fundraising Analysis service – a new service that carries a money back guarantee – has been both exciting and insightful into the state of the non-profit sector. We have recently worked with a wide variety of nonprofit organizations through this unique, effective and efficient consulting […]